Welcome to Modustack Pte Ltd

Company Profile

Modustack Pte Ltd is a new company established in 2008 which was formed by seasoned professionals in the HVAC industry.

This new organization emerged to cope with the expansion and vision in the business of energy efficiency as well as to make new products and technologies reach its targets in the Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition (HVAC) industry.

With the global problem of Climate Change affecting our businesses and our way of life, Modustack identified the major consumer of energy as its prime area of improvement for our clients. This is coupled with our sincere concern for the welfare of our planet and the future generation who will be using it.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the partner of choice in helping the environment through energy efficiency and be the cradle of new technologies in the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning industry for the global market.

Our Mission

We are commited to partner with our clients in providing:

  • Energy efficient HVAC solutions
  • Helping in the fight againist the effects of Global Climate Change to our environment.
  • New technology and reliable products.
  • Prompt and competent service.
  • And most importantly build lasting relationships with our clients.

Our mission is to do GOOD as part of doing WELL.

Modustack Pte Ltd believes that the success of our operations greatly depends on the abilities of our leaders and personnel. We have gathered different people with extensive knowledge in different fields and put them in positions where they can excel and develop their full potential as part of the company.