E Clean Energy Saver

Product & Technology

Electricity by nature flows into your building in an unstable manner. Over time this would have corrosive effects on all the loads and circuits as they are caused by irregular movements of electrons which generate heat and vibration. It has been reported that electrons tend to move away from the nucleus and such a trend causes “excessive collision” of electrons resulting in energy losses. Through research, synthetic infra rays could be used to mitigate excessive vibration of electrons by relieving the friction of electrons. This technology is known as the Balanced Wave technology.

If a small photon-laden-current produced by light energy wave of a specific wavelength is channeled onto the electrons constituting the flow of current in a conductor, the electron wavelength becomes longer, resulting in reduced spinning of electrons and thus reduced collision amongst the electrons.

Basically, this is achieved by controlling the irregular drifting of the otherwise free (valence) electrons at the atom’s outer orbit from an outwards spiraling (centrifugal motion) to an inwards (centripetal) motion, leading to their streamlined and smooth flow by means of the interaction between electrons and photons (photoelectric coupling).

At the core of the E-Clean Energy Saver is our patented semiconductor chip which generates the balanced wave. This chip utilizes specific wavelengths of infrared light to stabilize the vibration state of the "spinning" electrons. By stabilizing the electrons, which form electric current, we managed to reduce the heat-emitting and power-robbing collisions which normally occur as the electric current moves from the source to the desired load, thereby creating a more efficient electric current.


In short, the E-Clean Energy Saver reduces heat and electrical vibration by stabilizing the current and alters the movement of the electrons to enable it to flow more efficiently with reduced resistance.


Effect 1: Photoelectric Effect

  • Electricity, in essence, is a flow of electrons
  • Electrons orbit around the atom’s nucleus which is composed of protons and neutrons
  • Electrons orbit at various energy levels but electrons always occupy the lowest energy level possible
  • Movement of electricity from source to the load causes electrons to be agitated more in an outward direction
  • With E-Clean, the balanced wave causes the electrons to reverse their motion from an outward direction to an inward direction
  • When an electron is at a lower energy level, less energy is needed to move the electron from one atom to another
  • Less energy is thus required to move the same given number of electrons from the source, through the conducting material and to the load

Diagram 1.0: Typical Atom and its components

Diagram 2
Diagram 2.0: Depicts the collisions of high potential and low potential electrons and the after effect

  • High potential electron falls down and crashes with low potential electron
  • The crashes caused collision and pushed the electrons in Omni directions
  • The electrons bounce freely and in non align manner
  • Some electrons were forced out from the cable and become losses
  • These has become losses in the form of heat, noise, vibration and electro magnetic

» Effect 2: Photochemical Effect

Effect 2: Photochemical Effect

Electrons tend to move away from the nucleus and such a trend causes collision of electrons and resulting in energy losses. Through research findings, synthetic infra red rays could be used to mitigate excessive vibration of electrons by relieving the friction of electrons.

Diagram 4.0: Depicts the pattern of electrons after installation of E-Clean Energy Saver

  • Electrons spin in an outward direction known as centrifugal when agitated
  • This causes some electrons to fly off in the cable and thus, constitute losses
  • Electron when mitigated with synthetic infrared ray, spin in an inward direction which is known as centripetal
  • When this happen, less electrons fly off thus less losses
  • Less energy is thus required to move the same given number of electrons from the source, through conducting material and to the load

Diagram 5.0: Depicts the movement of electrons when the centrifugal force is greater than centripetal force

  • As explained in the previous diagram, electrons tend spin in an outward direction (centrifugal)
  • When the centrifugal force is greater than the centripetal force, the electron will fly off freely rather than holding to its atom
  • Centrifugal force is the apparent force that is felt by an object moving in a curve path that acts outwardly away from the center of the rotation
  • Centripetal force is the force that is necessary to keep an object moving in a curved path and that is directed inwards toward the center of rotation

» Effect 3: Compton Effect

Effect 3: Compton Effect

Diagram 6.0: Depicts the amplitude of electrons before and after the installation of E-Clean

  • When the electrons travel from point A to point B in the cable, they experienced resistance
  • The Balanced Wave infrared ray is channelled onto the electrons constituting the flow of current in a conductor, the electron wavelength becomes longer, resulting in reduced spinning of electrons and thus reduced collision amongst the electrons.
  • When the wavelength prolonged, the energy requires to travel from point A to point B become lesser
  • The lengthening of the electron wavelength results in a decrease of its amplitude and thus in a reduction of the energy associated with its electromagnetic field to drive the same load

Diagram 7.0: Correlation of infrared rays and the electron wavelength

Comparison Table between E-Clean energy saver and conventional energy controller

DescriptionE-Clean Energy SaverConventional Energy Controller
TheoryPhotoelectric Effect
Photochemical Equivalence Law
Compton Effect
Electrical Engineering
Saving MethodChange the track of electrons flow on
Change the characteristics and direction of the electrons from Centrifugal force to Centripetal force
Making the wavelength flow over the electric cable
Cut out electricity through voltage modulation, frequency modulation or phase modulation
Using Capacitor Bank or inverter etc
BenefitsReduce Electricity Bill ( 7 % ~ 30% )
Reduce Radio wave ( 26% ~ 38% )
Reduce Noise and Vibration
Reduce resistance of conductor and improved conductivity
Reduce Electricity Bill

Comparison between E-Clean energy saver and conventional energy controller installation method


Diagram 8.0: Depicts the graph showing the drop in wattage after installation of E-Clean over a period of 28 days
*Test conducted by MET laboratories Inc, USA